Tuesday 21 June 2016

Something To Look Forward To

Greetings, readers.

I am pleased to say that this story has been selected for publication in Into the Ruins. You can read it in the Spring 2017 edition.


  1. Very nicely done. Congratulations on having written a delightful low key story.

    1. Thanks for the feedback Susan, it is much appreciated.

  2. Thanks for this, Dylan. I like how you have let so many people and places have cameo appearances, which is exactly how it is when passing on the road. At the same time that I wanted to know more about them (especially the bus driver and the young woman) sometimes a glimpse is all we get, and you've reflected that really well.
    However, Marta being the central character means that she DOES stick with us the whole way through. I wanted more of her thoughts/feelings. Was she sick of the bus after a few hours? Did she get tired of telling knock-knock jokes? Or overwhelmed by too many stalls at the market? She seems a very unflappable person!

    1. Ally, that's why I like Marta. I admire characters who are or appear to be unflappable, and they make more reliable narrators.

      It's helpful to know you'd want more of her thoughts and feelings. I'll keep working on the character development in my next stories- this one's already 'published' as a contest entry.

      Thanks for dropping by and for your comment!
